
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —
Certified B Corporation — Adaptive Retrofit — Humanising Infrastructure — Making better places — Architecture — Public Realm — Spatial Strategy — Creative Reuse — Urban Transformation — Decarbonisation —

Pudding Mill Lane— London


London Legacy Development Corporation


Gort Scott (collaborative architect) / Jonathan Cook Landscape Architects / Peter Brett / Gardiner + Theobald

At the southern entrance to the park and adjacent to UCL’s emerging eastern campus, the new neighbourhood consists of two sites - Pudding Mill Lane and Bridgewater - the last of the five Olympic neighbourhoods to be established. Around 1,500 new homes are set to be built between the sites, alongside enough workspace for 2,000 jobs and a new neighbourhood centre.

The Pudding Mill Lane site, adjacent to the DLR station, will be designed by Gort Scott, 5th Studio and Jonathan Cook Landscape Architects. This will form one of the most mixed legacy neighbourhood on the Olympic Park, with around 900 new homes, 36,000 sqm of employment space and health & community facilities. A significant proportion of the housing is designed for families and will also include purpose-built accommodation for older people.

The Bridgewater site will be designed by Mikhail Riches, RCKa, William Matthews Associates and BBUK Landscape Architects. The plans for Bridgewater include C. 600 new homes.

The new neighbourhood will deliver 40% affordable housing, split between a mix of London Affordable Rent, London Living Rent and Shared Ownership. The entire neighbourhood has high sustainability ambitions: all commercial buildings aim for BREEAM Excellent and all homes achieving a Code for Sustainable Homes 4+. Enabling people to walk, cycle and access public transport is an important part of the development’s sustainability.

"Gort Scott and 5th Studio work in a highly collaborative and complementary way, each bringing a distinct and unique set of skills to a very complex project, establishing a strong- place led response. The team balanced a range of site constraints and commercial pressures to create a thoughtful, robust and contextual strategic urban framework for our site at Pudding Mill Lane."

Carla Smyth - Design Principal, Development Directorate, London Legacy Development Corporation

Public Realm Framework, supporting the creation of a network of high quality pedestrian focussed streets and new public spaces to reinforce a sense of community in this new neighbourhood
Marshgate Lane
City Mill Riverside Park
Neighbourhood Way (east-west route)
Bow Back Riverside Park


New London Awards 2021 / Planning



We are keen to receive CVs and short portfolios from Part 1 and Part 2 designers. Please contact us via recruitment@5thstudio.co.uk

We actively encourage qualified applicants from underrepresented backgrounds to apply.

LONDON Unit 14 21 Wren Street London WC1X 0HF t +44 (0)20 7837 7221 View on Google Maps

CAMBRIDGE Darkroom Gwydir Street Cambridge CB1 2LJ t +44 (0)1223 516009 View on Google Maps